Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Friday, August 27, 2010

The Fastest and Funniest LEGO Star Wars story ever told

Eddie Izzard- Death Star Canteen

Star Wars: The Han Solo Affair

New Direction.

I am no longer looking at following a product for my storyline. Instead i am using Lego men as my characters and creating a narrative around them. I have two ideas for a storyline:

The first is photographing iconic scenes of wellington. The kind of scenes and scenarios that a tourist would visit and do. then photographing and adding life size Lego tourist in to the scene. they would undergo a journey that takes them around the city.

The second is following some Lego adventures as they undertake a journey through a strange and uncharted land. this would involve photographing things at a macro level and finding natural scenes that fit the scale and manipulating them to look like something they are not. the journey could be a quest for treasure or to discover a new world. the story would include all the hardships that go along with such a journey.

Thursday, August 12, 2010

Project two

My initial idea for this project is to follow a products life or journey. The changes the product under goes will be the basis of my naravtive.

I could potentially start the series of photo. The other way could be to just document one particular part of the objects life.

My initial idea for a product to follow is that of a bullet. The series could start from the bullety in the packet and follow it through being loaded, aimed and shot.

Thursday, August 5, 2010

final images

Developed thinking

Our identity is not only our appearance; it also includes our memories and experiences. These other attributes help to build our character and shape our whole identity. Social Networking sites have made it easy to find out how someone looks. Understanding an individuals whole identity is not so easily judged. In many cases the images of an individual that exist online do not accurately portray the person's character. We are unable to judge who a person is solely by their online images. If we do we end up only understanding a small doctored version of the persons identity.

More precedents
images by Lorie Novak